Argentina Calendar - Urgent-

5 years, 8 months ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna


All glories to you guru dev

We have already bought the bus tickets to be all your stay in Buenos Aires and help in your sankirtan there, I hope to be useful.

ASA - Make many movies better! Interviews.

We are talking to Rati Manjari in Bs As, Nikunja Bihari in Mar del Plata, and with Madhavendra Puri and Vrsabhanu Nandini here in Cordoba to get interviews, good contacts to discuss and present yours ideas to them.

Nikunja Bihari is organizing public presentations with academics and universities during his stay in Mar del Plata. We, along with Madhavendra and Rati Manjari, are focusing on specifying interviews and encounters with people of interest to project something into the future and build a link with them.

HpS - Education in the higher standard of life will save the world. At least those who don't fight being saved.

Within the devotees and guests will be organized the certified seminars of the Light of the Bhagavata, teachings of Lord Caitanya and nectar of instruction as mentioned in the previous letter.

HpS - Got the books?

Also all this will be communicated to the disciples of Hps in a what s up group.

Argentina Calendar

1 arrive to Bs As, Argentina from Lima, Peru

1 to 16 of july Buenos Aires

16 to 22 of july Mar del Plata

22 to 24 of july Buenos As

24 depart from Bs As, Argentina to Lima, Peru

Any indication, instruction, idea, advice to better develop these activities?

Thank you guru dev for your efforts, enthusiasm, happiness and for engaging us in the service of this beautiful sankirtan to please your Guru dev Srila Prabhupada.

your servent Ambarisa m das

HpS - What will the kids do?