
5 years, 8 months ago by Gopi Radha Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisances.

It's been a while since I wrote to you. Excuse me please.

HpS - We are answering too slow also!

The last three years I have spent my time mainly taking care of my children, husband and university studies. It has been difficult and we had to make sacrifices that sometimes seemed useless.

Finally, in August I will conclude the degree in Pedagogy and I can see how all the effort, although small, is taken by Krishna in His service. Only Krishna and his devotees make all sacrifice worthwhile. Although to be honest, I often think that I am unable of doing something well and the more I learn about something, the more useless I feel.

Now I am doing social service in a boarding school for boys between 6 and 13 years old. Catholic education is given to children from dysfunctional families, children of single mothers, orphans, etc. It is a very nice place, with a beautiful garden, it has its own church and Spanish nuns who take care of the children live there. It is something like a Gurukula but Catholic. I think constantly that it would be wonderful if there was a school, as beautiful as this one, but of devotees of Krishna.

My services in the temple are now minimal, but constant. Deity kitchen, garlands and some occasions on the altar. Prabhu Vidagdha recently returned to the administration of the temple restaurant and dressed Sri Sri Radha Madan Gopal once a week.

This year we decided to continue with homeschooling, because attending school was not favoring Mukunda and Muni, both academically and spiritually. I am now doing a lot of research and writing about homeschool and distance learning modalities, certifications, curriculums, teaching resources.

I am chanting 16 rounds and following the 4 regular principles, although I have difficulty getting up to mangala arati. I also think that I should especially improve my appreciation of devotees and not get carried away by my mind in making criticism and focusing on faults of others. Many times I have felt hurt and I have lost confidence in others because of that. I am also aware that I have hurt others too.

Gurudeva, you know what kind of person I am, I can not fool you. I just want to change and improve.

HpS - Actually we know you in a very esoteric way but practically you have to cultivate association with devotees on a daily basis, no?

We hope to see you in your transit through Mexico and we wish you to be very well.

Sent greetings Vidagdha, Mukunda and Narada Muni.

Your servant Gopi Radha DD.

 HpS - It is very nice to get your letter. We have read with interest all your news of homeschooling, diploma etc. Little little steps make a long journey. Respects to the head of the restaurant!!! You should pray to Krsna that you all can visit Lima sometime!

What kind of body do you think you will get in your next life? Boy, girl, Brahmana, Sudra, Mexico, Goloka, Gokula, ISKCON?