Operation SOS (save our self) and SOF (save our family)

5 years, 8 months ago by bhaktabigfoot in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaj,



Hare Krishna,

It's been just over a week since returning from Boise and having your, Radha-Bunkbhari, SP, and devotees darshan. Thank you very much for you association Maharaj, we hope we were able to do some service and not be to much of a nuscience. We hope to grow into a capable devotee/disciple and serve nicely.

ASA - Us also!

As of right now moving to Boise isn't happening, we are trying to concentrate on our family financial situation at the moment and some other things. So we will see what Krsna arranges. Focusing on Operation SOS, then we wont have to speculate, gamble. BOOM! No blind faith, its condemned! Work on what we have now.

Operation SOS

Since our return we are doing daily (except Saturday) SB with my mother. I call her each day at 7:10am and we go to about 7:40am.

HpS - SUper! Have fun. Read and discuss as you like! Of course, some artificial forces, but you know that is necessary for learning any sport.

You have inspired us to do SB study with someone instead of only listening to SP SB lectures. Its been really nice and already we are seeing some advancement. We have made some little adjustments on how we go about using the time and it's working nicely. Then each Saturday we will be joining your Gotomeeting SB class!

HpS - We see you. . . <-

FMP -getting up at 3:30am PST, MA, Guru-astaka, 16 rounds. We are praying to Guru & Gauranga for nice rounds and the ability to chant Hare Krishna MM without offenses. We are experiencing ups and downs but in general progress is there. 4 regs are going strong. Ideas are flowing so rapidly about Sankirtan activities, but we are working on slowing down and take one step at a time. K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid), Op SOS first.

If we may please, We would like to ask the blessing of your disciples Maharaj, we humble request they bless us that we may also become a disciple of Your Holiness. Please bless us that we may do some nice service in your honor, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhpada's honor and find our service in Lord Chaitanya's Sankirtan movement.

Operation SOF

Kids are reading 15 mins daily from a SP book they choose. They read knowing they are going to teach me what they read each day. This is from your encouragement to read as if we are going to teach what we read. I was trying to get the kids up for MA for a time being but it seems to me that will have to wait until Alicia is consistently attending. That's ok (note to self 😁)

Alicia - we are reading 15 mins each evening. She chose what we would read and she chose CC 😳. We just received CC at this past Guara Purnima. I was a little hesitant to start off with something so big but I didn't want to discourage so we are going with the flow. It's going nicely. Right now besides that we are just trying to be encouraging her about rounds and getting up to chant them in the morning before work, maybe MA.

HpS - CC is super, but maybe a little to much cosmology in the beginning. Don't hesitate to skip the first few chapters and come to Lord Caitanya's birth...

Please please forgive us our any offense we made while in Boise or any offenses other wise.


Your aspiring to aspire servent,

Bhakta Natha, Big Foot, Nathen

PS: Weed whipers Ki Jaya! 😆

HpS - SOrry it has taken so long to answer this letter. We will talk more about this in today's DTC.