> Do any of you know the number of verses in Sri Caitanya Caritamrita divided by Lila?
1 - 110
2 - 121
3 - 114
4 - 277
5 - 235
6 - 120
7 - 171
8 - 85
9 - 55
10 - 164
11 - 61
12 - 96
13 - 124
14 - 97
15 - 34
16 - 111
17 - 33
sum 1981
1 - 287
2 - 95
3 - 219
4 - 213
5 - 161
6 - 286
7 - 155
8 - 313
9 - 365
10 - 190
11 - 243
12 - 222
13 - 209
14 - 257
15 - 302
16 - 290
17 - 234
18 - 229
19 - 257
20 - 406
21 - 149
22 - 169
23 - 127
24 - 355
25 - 283
sum 6016
1 - 223
2 - 172
3 - 272
4 - 239
5 - 164
6 - 329
7 - 173
8 - 103
9 - 153
10 - 162
11 - 108
12 - 155
13 - 139
14 - 123
15 - 99
16 - 151
17 - 73
18 - 121
19 - 112
20 - 157
sum 3228
Grand total 11225
Verses Drawn from Other Scriptutures
Sri Caitanya-caritamrta consists of a total of 11,519 verses of which 851
verses are drawn from 53 other scriptures.
Sri Caitanya-caritamrta Adi-lila has a total of 2311 verses in 17 chapters.
144 verses of the Adi-lila are drawn from different scriptures
Sri Caitanya-caritamrta Madhya-lila has a total of 6010 verses in 25 chapters.
571 verses of the Madhya-lila are drawn from different scriptures.
Sri Caitanya-caritamrta Antya-lila has a total of 3,228 verses in 20 chapters.
136 verses of the Antya-lila are drawn from different scriptures
Top 10 Quoted Scriptures
393 verses of the CC are taken from Srimad-Bhagavatam
87 verses of the CC are taken from Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu
50 verses of the CC are taken from Bhagavad-gita
34 verses of the CC are taken from Vidagdha-madhava
21 verses of the CC are taken from Lalita-madhava
20 verses of the CC are taken from Brahma-samhita
20 verses of the CC are taken from Padma Purana
19 verses of the CC are taken from Visnu Purana
19 verses of the CC are taken from Govinda-lilamrta
16 verses of the CC are taken from Caitanya-candrodaya-nataka
All Sources
Verses From Srimad-Bhagavatam (393 verses)
Canto 1 (44 Verses)
Canto 2 (34 Verses)
Canto 3 (33 Verses)
Canto 4 (4 Verses)
Canto 5 (10 Verses)
Canto 6 (7 Verses)
Canto 7 (8 Verses)
Canto 8 (1 Verse)
Canto 9 (7 Verses)
Canto 10 (156 Verses)
Canto 11 (66 Verses)
Canto 12 (5 Verses)
Verses From Bhagavad-gita (50 Verses)
BG 03.21 - Adi-lila 03.025 and Madhya-lila 17.178
BG 03.24 - Adi-lila 03.024
BG 04.07 - Adi-lila 03.022
BG 04.08 - Adi-lila 03.023
BG 04.11 - Adi-lila 04.020, Adi-lila 04.178 and Madhya-lila 08.091 BG 05.18 -
Antya-lila 04.177 BG 06.03 - Madhya-lila 24.159
BG 06.04 - Madhya-lila 24.160
BG 06.08 - Antya-lila 04.178
BG 06.16-17 - Antya-lila 08.067-068
BG 07.04 - Madhya-lila 06.164
BG 07.05 - Adi-lila 07.118, Madhya-lila 06.165 and Madhya-lila 20.116 BG 07.14
- Madhya-lila 20.116, Madhya-lila 22.023 and Madhya-lila 24.138 BG 07.16 -
Madhya-lila 24.094 BG 09.11 - Madhya-lila 25.039
BG 09.27 - Madhya-lila 08.060
BG 10.08 - Madhya-lila 24.189
BG 10.10 - Adi-lila 01.049, Madhya-lila 24.173 and Madhya-lila 24.192 BG 10.41
- Madhya-lila 20.375 BG 10.42 - Adi-lila 02.020, Madhya-lila 20.163 and
Madhya-lila 20.376 BG 11.41-42 - Madhya-lila 19.199-200 BG 12.13-14 -
Madhya-lila 23.107
BG 12.15 - Madhya-lila 23.108
BG 12.16 - Madhya-lila 23.109
BG 12.17 - Madhya-lila 23.110
BG 12.18-19 - Madhya-lila 23.111-112
BG 12.20 - Madhya-lila 23.113
BG 16.19 - Madhya-lila 25.040
BG 18.54 - Madhya-lila 08.065, Madhya-lila 24.132 and Madhya-lila 25.155 BG
18.64-65 - Madhya-lila 22.057-58 BG 18.66 - Madhya-lila 08.063, Madhya-lila
09.265 and Madhya-lila 22.094
Verses From Other Sources
Adi Purana (4 Verses)
Amara-kosa Dictionary (2 Verses)
Bhagavata-sandarbha (1 Verse)
Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (78 Verses)
Bhavartha-dipika (9 Verses)
Brahma-samhita (20 Verses)
Brahma-vaivarta Purana (1 Verse)
Brahmanda Purana (1 Verse)
Brhan-naradiya Purana (5 Verses)
Caitanya-candrodaya-nataka (16 Verses)
Dana-keli-kaumudi (1 Verse)
Diary of SDG (4 Verses)
Doctrine of Nyaya (2 Verses)
Garuda Purana (1 Verse)
Gauranga-stava-kalpavrksa (4 Verses)
Gautamiya-tantra (3 Verses)
Gita-govinda (6 Verses)
Gopi-premamrta (1 Verse)
Govinda-lilamrta (19 Verses)
Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya (10 Verses)
Hari-bhakti-vilasa (6 Verses)
Jagannatha-vallabha-nataka (2 Verses)
Katyayana-samhita (1 Verse)
Krsna-karnamrta (10 Verses)
Kurma Purana (2 Verses)
Laghu-bhagavatamrta (13 Verses)
Lalita-madhava (21 Verses)
Maha Upanisad (1 Verse)
Mahabharata (8 Verses)
Mukunda-mala-stotra (1 Verse)
Nama-kaumudi (1 Verse)
Narada-pancaratra (3 Verses)
Nataka-candrika (1 Verse)
Nrsimha Purana (2 Verses)
Padma Purana (20 Verses)
Padyavali (15 Verses)
Panini's Sutras (3 Verses)
Premambhoja-maranda (1 Verse)
Raghu-vamsa (1 Verse)
Ramayana (1 Verse)
Sankaracarya's Commentary (2 Verses)
Satvata-tantra (1 Verse)
Skanda Purana (3 Verses)
Smrti-sastra (1 Verse)
Stava-mala (8 Verses)
Stotra-ratna (7 Verses)
Svetasvatara Upanisad (1 Verse)
Ujjvala-nilamani (14 Verses)
Uttara-rama-carita (1 Verse)
Vedic Literature (1 Verse)
Vidagdha-madhava (34 Verses)
Visnu Purana (19 Verses)
Visva-prakasa Dictionary (5 Verses)