Travel to India

5 years, 10 months ago by Piero Saavedra Torchio in Hot Topics

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Hanumatpresaka swami


I was investigating about the visa to travel from Chile to India.

Starting from this year, the visa for turism allows stay one year in India, and not only from Chile, also from many others contruies.

I was thinking and i have one question (that i mentioned in gotomeeting)

¿Is good idea stay one year in India?

So here whishing whitout stoping. My nickname in this occasion is "sea of desires" jajaja.

Thank you maharaja, i want to clean my self to be a good servant.

Hare Krishna.

HpS - AGTSP paoho. You came and visited us in Buenos Aires, no? We have not initiated you yet? We find no record. We are losing our memory. Have to organize our records another way. So nice to see you daily in FMP!!! It is good for some to go to India for one year the first time, bad for others. Some go and never return. India is there home.

If you have service, association, any place is good, right place to be. With whom will you go? What will be your service? You can meet many devotees once you get to India. There are different tours and festivals. You must be comfortable with 'camping'. Just have simple things like toilet items, change of clothes, sleeping in simple places.

Why are you going?

Maybe too early unless you have a strong Guru to act as your guide. Then it can be very useful. You can see where Rupa Goswami is buried and touch it with your face and hands.