brain bending

5 years, 9 months ago by mishrabhagavan in Personal Sadhana Reports

Gauranga. Humbles and Glories. We are going into our second month here in Sri Mayapur Dhama. Last week I wrote in a report with fotos on this website, about Srila Jayapataka Swamis 70th Vyasa Puja ceremony.

Now the HED has become a brain bending cyper site called ASA something. It is split into all sorts of various web sites that only a graduate of high level computer science can decipher. The report on the Vyasa Puja took some time to compose. Then I could not find any way to send it. So I hit "save" and hoped that it would somehow get through. Did you ever receive it? If not, you will probably not get this one either

HpS - We got this one. We are a little slow in answering. Our donkey is getting old!! Ja! Ja! Also another letter from you. We will look at it. Vyasapuja letters are really back logged. We explained in the Kapi Dhvaja, new name of the HED, that while traveling we could only answer Urgent letters. We meet with about 20-people for individual palaver daily while traveling: "Should I buy a cat or a motorcycle!?".

so I will not spend too much time composing. I first began as a recipient of your newsletter "The Hanumat Presak Dispatch" It was so nice to get a readable newsletter in the post. I could simply reply by mail and it worked real easy.

HpS - When I was a child there were no anwering machines. ONly rotary dila phones. If you called some one and no one was there you just hung up after a while.

My personal sadhana has come up to the basic minimum. In Kali Yuga, while other holy places are like closing lotus flowers, the gloden lotus of Sridam Mayapur is opening up to manifest the mercy of Lord Nityananda and Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Panchajangri Prabhu gave class this morning and explained how bliss in following vaidhi bhakti is given when and if Krishna decides to bestow it. and that a man who is non envious and does not desire ill fortune towards anyone is happy.

Yours, Mishra Bhagavan Dasa

HpS - I hope you will have Hill Fortune, get a place to live on Govardhana for you service. We look at the other letter now. YOu can stay in the Dhama!!!