News from Radhakunda

5 years, 10 months ago by radhakundamataji in Special Category A



My dear guruji:

This week "Rama navami" the birthday of Lord Ramachandra was celebrated.

In Radhakund we do not have any festival, only in one temple, Nitai dhama, all deities were holding some bows and arrows to remember Lord Rama.

In Vrndavan they make a huge festival, but not only to celebrate Lord Rama but also because that day was the opening of Krsna-Balarama temple and they use to make flower dresses and abisheka for all the deities, Nitai-Gour, Krsna-Balarama and Radhe-Syamasundara.

Reading the story of the temple in a book named "Deity Worship Manual", HG Mukunda Datta das, the head pujari of the temple wrote: "After many years of hard struggle his desire (Srila Prabhupafa's desire) for a temple in Sri Vrndavan dhama was finally fulfilled in 1975. On Rama-navami, the appearance day of Lord Sri Ramachandra, by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, the deities were installed in the midst of enthusiastic Hare Krsna kirtan and Vedic yajnas".

Namo brahmanya-devaya




We offer our respects to you, Rama, the most famous among the famous, who favor the brahmanas, who posses eternal intelligence, and who offer His lotus feet to the non-violent devotees" SB 9.11.7

And one more thing, another name of Lord Rama is Hanumatpresaka "the one who sent Hanuman with the ring'

HpS - ASA ---- Jaya!!!!! What auspicious things have you done in your life, past lives, to be able to live in Vrndavana Dhama? Maybe you can see our Calendar post from today. We will be in India in beginning October but only be able to get to Braja one day!!!!!

Vrndavana Dhama Mahimamrta (trans. Kusa-krata Das)

... 111 Are there not many very beautiful intelligent gopis here in Vrndavana? O Radha, I see only You. Where can a cakora bird go if he turns from the moon?

***112 O Sri Radhika, if you are not merciful, then my mind and body will become racked with pain and I will quickly die of grief. For this reason please always cast Your glance of mercy on this person in Vrndavana.

113 The girl named Sri Radha is the most exalted form of the goddess of fortune. Her lover is the most exalted form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

114 May the charming youthful divine couple, which enjoys the nectar of transcendental amorous pastimes in Vrndavana without beginning or end, be the object of my worship.

115 With charming devotional service please eternally worship charming Sri Sri Radha-Krsna, who eternally enjoy charming transcendental pastimes in the charming groves of charming Vrndavana forest.

116 In a splendid transcendental body suitable for Radha's service, acting as a servant of Radha's feet, and pleasing the heart of Radha's lover, eternally reside in Radha's forest.

117 O beautiful faced Radha, gazing into Your face makes my eyes blossom with happiness. The moon, which is the friend of the kumuda flowers, brings only happiness to the kumudas.

Sataka Twelve

1 I have a firm faith in the worship of Sri Radha. My heart burns with pain and can find no peace. Except for the land of Vrndavana, what . . .


Esta semana se celebro "Rama navami" el cumpleanos de Sri Rama.

En Radhakund no hay festejo alguno, solo en un templo, Nitai dhama el pujari ofrecio a todas las deidades Arcos y flechas para recordar al senor Rama.

En Vrndavan hay un gran festival ese dia, no solo por la aparicion de Sri Rama sino porque ese dia se conmemora la apertura del templo de Krsna-Balatama, se ofrecer vestidos de flores y se hace abisheka a todas las deidades, Nitai-Gour, Krsna-Balarama y Radha-Syamasundara.

Leyendo la historia del templo en un libro titulado 'Manual de Adoracion de las deidades" el jefe de pujaris del templo, HG Mukunda Datta das escribio: "Despues de muchos anos de ardua lucha su Deseo (el de Srila Prabhupada) de un templo en Sri Vrndavan dhama finalmente se cumplio en 1975. El dia de Rama-navami, el dia de la aparicion del senor Ramachandra, por la misericordia de Srila Prabhupada, se instalaron las deidades en medio de un entusiasta kirtan hare krsna y yajnas vedicos.

Ofrecemos nuestras reverencias a ti, senor Ramachandra, el mas famoso entre Los famosos, quien favorece a Los brahmanas, quien posee inteligencia eterna y quien ofrece Sus pies de loto a Los devotos no-violentos'..SB 9.11.7

Un Ultimo comentario, otro de Los nombres de Sri Rama es Hanumatpresaka que significa 'aquel que envio a Hanuman con el anillo'.

Su (intentando ser humilde) sirvienta

Tungavidya devi dasi

Reportando desde Sri Radhakunda

Radhakunda, Syamakunda, Giri Govardhan ki, jaya