How to move forward?

5 years, 10 months ago by jaynityananda in Other

Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

For a longer time already, i find myself in a situation that utterly frustrates me. When i am well situated in sadhana bhakti i walk around like a proud person, easily falling pray to being proud about "my" strength and so-called moral superiority over other people, and when i falter and struggle i feel despondent, overwhelmed by the madness of the world and my perilous material situation. I am in some kind of no mans land, and i feel stuck here. What can i do about this situation? Or is the idea that there is something i can do perhaps a wrong attitude here?

Your aspiring servant,

Raghava pandita dasa

HpS - AgtSP. Paoho. So nice to hear from you. I really don't know enough to give you any specific advice and even whatever advice I can give is also coming from someone who is at best only a little bit more sane than you are. What I do: Srila Prabhupada is always there if we want to listen to good advice. As long as we are chanting Holy Names we are making progress. So chant as much as possible. Get good association they can give you advice. O. K.?