Urgent .You're divine grace.info you requested

5 years, 10 months ago by stopngo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my apologies. My phone # is . . .

HpS - ASA - Thank you. I just texted you to confirm and ask your apartment number. SOrry little slow in answering. On the road!!! Was so nice meeting you in Boise.

I've recently talked to Hari valise (Hari vilas) he wants me to donate 600.00 a month for a year before he gives me a letter of recommendation. i would much rather do Seva for you, any where you choose, so that you can get to Know me. I'd also rather give you the money.

This is all vary discouraging, awaiting your advice.

HpS - NOI text three. Don't become discouraged. There is not problem that we can't solve if we want to serve Lord Rama! Look at example of Hanuman. Look at example of Gopis running to Krsna! My first suggestion is you make a counter offer. 😀

Say, $50/month? You can say that HpSwami is not such an exalted Guru so he should not charge so much.

Ha! Ha! Ha! I'm 87% serious. Hari-vilasa Das is a practical guy. Second suggestion is to offer to do service with your body, mind or words. Third suggestion is to complain to the GBC. Oink! WHoof! Bark! Honk. In any case if you are doing everything for six months he should be willing to tell the Temple President to give you letter of recommendation as an Refugee, after six months more the formal initiation.

O.K. Let us talk about this. We shall give a good lesson the the teachers. You can share this letter as you like.

My picture is loading I hope. A friend found out I was going to see you,and he has so much admiration for you,he has to come, I'm the older one on the left.

Your servant Mike Jarvis