Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura Eating Meat

5 years, 8 months ago by Dhruvānanda DAS in Hot Topics

Dear Maharaja,

please accept our humble obeisances.

All glories to your service.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I was hoping to hear what are your thoughts/knowledge regarding the claim that Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura ate fish and goat until he received diksha from HH Bipin Bihari at the age of 42 (I’m recalling that number from memory). 

Here are two quotes from his alleged autobiography sent to his son, Lalita Prasada.

“At that time I used to eat a lot of fish and meat. I had known that killing animals was bad for a long time, but I still had a strong desire to enjoy fish and meat. Chapra had very large fish, but I did not like them. So I ate more mutton. After prolonged eating of food of this kind combined with red chillies and mustard pickle, I developed a bleeding ulcer...

“...While I was living in Narail I took diksha along with my wife. I had been searching for a suitable guru for a long time but without success. I was very unhappy on that account. It seemed that if I had faith in anyone, upon examining his philosophical ideas and character, I would lose that little bit of faith. I had done much anxious thinking, but the Lord erased my unhappiness by appearing to me in a dream. In the dream I got some indication of what was to happen and when morning came, I felt joyful. One or two days later Gurudeva wrote to me saying, "I will come soon and give you initiation." When Gurudeva came and performed the initiation rituals, it made me very cheerful. From that very day the sinful desire for eating meat was removed from my heart and I began to feel some compassion towards all living beings.”

I first came across this when reading Hindu Encounter with Modernity by Shukavak Das. For me, reading that book and witnessing Thakura Bhaktivinoda's humility and example through his journey, was a great inspiration for me. I could see how sometimes it appears that a pure devotee, what to speak of little devotees, is entangled in the material world. But really there is a greater lesson being shown or needing to be learnt (for us), and we should never be disheartened, wallowing in the mental sense gratification of guilt and hopelessness, from our own current lack of qualification or standard. And this is coming from myself, who was born and remained vegetarian my whole life.

I read Shulavak’s book about two years ago and it was a part of a great surcharge in my enthusiasm and determination in Krishna consciousness. I started this blog, podcast and YouTube channel with the title “Essence Seeker” all from Bhaktivinoda’s instruction to be saragrahis. He set the example of how to actively find and please Krishna across cultures; regardless of one’s material circumstances. 

As I share my thoughts with devotees, and observe others passing this particular topic around, I sometimes see that some devotees become greatly disturbed hearing that a pure devotee participated in eating animal flesh, even when he was aware of proper conduct. Some claim that the letter to Lalitā Prasad is inauthentic. Even there is suspicion of political strategy being mentioned; with Lalitā Prasad also being an acharya of a line in direct “competition” to Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. 

So I was hoping to get your thoughts on this topic, if you have any, please Maharaja. 

From last letter: I filmed the “Origin of the Jiva” video myself with my smart phone. It’s incredible what we can do with this devices today. Mystic sidhis!

I have attached some images. Two are of myself and my eldest daughter meditating in the forest. One is of our Thakuraji at home, and one is of my daughter starting gurukula. I tried to send the image of Suryani starting gurukula with the last letter I sent but it did not make it through. (Actually I have tried several times but it looks like they haven't made it through). Maybe another time.

Hare Krishna



HpS - Hare Krsna. It is so, so nice to hear from you. I am sorry that we could not answer letters while traveling. Sitting here in Tennessee it is a challenge because now, although, we do not have 33-interviews a day, we don't have the regulated association of Temple life that we have while traveling. All in all we are making progress in both environments. Thank you so much for the letter. So much!

I don't know much about Bh. V. Th. eating meat. Of course, Srila Prabhupada does not mention it. Also, he does not mention Lalita-prasad Ji to my knowledge either. So, can't make any comment. I think Prabhupada told us what he thought was necessary. Not that we can't investigate more, but he has made a foundation for ivestigation.

We will look for the photos!!!

Your news is always great.

What about contacting Prof. Mabbit????