Hare Krsna.
AGTSP. Paoho. It is 2.36AM. We just finished answering all the Reports in the Blog! We have a couple more that were sent separately (there is a risk that we may not get them there). It is nice having to formally only take responsibility for five dozen students.
We made it to the Kolkata Temple. We are in Room 301 again. It has a mosquito net on one window. The A. C. only makes a strange "Gaaaa Gaaaa Gaaa" sound when we turn it on and produces no cold air. It is starting to get hot here but not too bad with the fan on.
Such a hard day yesterday.
Piggy - Aren't they all hard?
Monkey - Yes... but they can be hard for Krsna or hard for The Evil One.
Plane was delayed by 45-minutes. A child kicked our seat in the back for the entire flight, 1-hour. We are going blind. In anxiety to pack everything, get print-out of Boarding Pass. Left Rupees 70,000 with Sarad-gaurangi DD, Hari-das Swami, Vana-mali Das et al for printing. Seems the University of Bhagavata Culture is still alive That was B. S. Damodara Swami's ambition. We gave the first class. If we just stay alive in KC then these projects stay alive and EVENTUALLY they will succeed!
Got three rounds chanted. Fought with the internet yesterday. Went to gift shop looking for Deity for Dr. Desai, temple room and joined the Bhajan and Arati. About 65-devotees there. One devotee, Prema Das (?) leads every evening. We had a distant vision of Gaura lila for a moment in the Bhajan.
From our point of view. Which is contaminated. The Kirtans do not have enough internal development. If you chant properly you can make your internal body loosen up, just like stretching your muscles after sitting in one position for a long time. Aaaaaa!
Kirtan is a great form of education. Chant, lead, LISTEN. Communicate your Bhava, attitude, perspective.
A Brahma stamba paryantam, sarva maya, mayam jagat, satyam, satyam, punah satyam, hari nama eva kevalam!
From Lord Brahma down ..... to the most insignifican blade of grass, everything in this world is a product of the illusory energy of Maya. The Holy Names, are alone truth. They again and again are truth.
Best education is to become attached to chanting the Maha-mantras.
Piggy - But we will be unable to do so many other duties!
Monkey - Then maybe so many of your 'duties' are useless, non-essential! Once you are connected to the Holy Names, then you get a proper connection with this movie!
Chant more! Wake up faster! Distribute more books!
Is today the day we become Uttama-adhikaris, forever?
How much of your identity is based upon PLANS? I will do this, I will do that. How much of your definition of your family, business, church, community, is based upon PLANS? We shall do this. We shall do that, but do all of those plans come from the mind and we just identify with them? Oh, yes, what ever you say, Sir (My Mind).
Chant and let Krsna make plans. Chant and watch the plans evolve through the intelligence and then form in the mind and then express in the senses. Hare Krsna!