Urgent: The Origin of the Jiva - Drama

5 years, 10 months ago by Dhruvānanda DAS in Hot Topics

Dear Maharaja and esteemed Vaisnavas,

Please accept my (aspiring to be) humble obeisances. 

All glories to Jagat Guru Srila Prabhupada. 

Near my home is a forest. When my children are at school, I sometimes take a break from writing and I go there. There are some very nice young boys that play there on occasion. 

Yesterday I went out chanting japa, looking for them, and I got distracted by my own reflection - I fell down. But I learnt a lot. 

Here’s the video to prove it. 


Aspiring to join Lord Krishna’s Drama Party

Dhruvananda Das

HpS - Hare Krsna! Very nice video. Very funny. Who was the camera man while you were on scene?? More! Before there was Crocodile Dundee, now there is Brown Bull Dhruva!