Hare Krsna.
Starting to get hot in India. Still not too many mosquitos. Temple is CROWDED on Sunday. Nava-yogendra Swami was supposed to give SB class today but he was sick so we were enlisted. Then we had to step into the car from the Vyasa-asana into the car, Kolkata traffic, and after dogging two pigs running we climbed six flights of stairs in the dark and came out on the roof where all the Book Distributors from all the Bhakta-vrksa Programs were assembled with a roaring Kirtan to get ENLIVENING INSTRUCTIONS from HpSwami about the Marathon.
He was terrified but Krsna gave a good class.
More fruit. Back in the Car. Back to the Temple. Bath, Gayatri, Lunch (Saved from Breakfast). World Classical Literature. Nap.
Worrying. Why is Prof. Samaresh not calling?!! We were supposed to see Sanjaya (the type-setter) today. No call. No call. Do mail. Listen to chaos of five Sunday Feast programs below.
Rtu-raja K Das cousin called. We gave his number..
Srinivasa Das called by accident. We were happy by accident. We talked for 30-minutes.
We ansered letters.
Prof. Called. Printer whome we met last night NEVER SENT THE QUOTE for printing Siksa Drsa tha he promised last night! No reason to travel today to see Sanjaya. Seems good. Too much.
Tomorrow the Gaudiya matha wants us for lunch, meet other printer, record interview with Professor, get signed contract with printer, go to paper supplier, go to see Sanjaya, ask PKD to check in for us and pay Rupees 200 for seat in rows 11-20. They board first.
Then return to Temple.
Ha! Ha! Three more years and we can retire in Radha-kunda?
Join us.
Now we go down for Arati.