Dr Samaresh Bandyopadhyay - interview 190308
This interview is to enlighten and enliven the participants in the 2019-2021 NIOS symposia on Education and the Sacred, planned to be co-sponsored by San Marcos University, Lima, Peru.
Professor Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay, you have had an enriched career in the academic, cultural and religious life of Bengal and the academic world of ancient Indian history and culture.
In one line that might be taken into the thumb-nail biographies of the Websters International Dictionary how would you describe yourself, your life?
Thank you, just to expand upon that a little more for our audience, if you were writing to a professional and somewhat close associate how would you describe the contribution that by your own effort or the hand of destiny you have made in your professional, community and personal life?
What work would you be very satisfied to see carried forward by others?
Turning more specifically to our symposia theme of Education and the Sacred we have been gifted with three questions by the great scholar and humanitarian, Hector Behar:
1. With what community do you identify yourself?
2. In that community what is The Sacred?
3. How does Education allow the Sacred to be researched and communicated in that community?
Then taking a step backward:
What is your theory and practice of Education, your Philosophy of Education? Of course, this can deal with such questions as:
What is a fully educated man,
What are the steps along the road to that education,
How such education can be effected.
Thank you so much for your valuable time and two more question comes immediately to our mind and of course, your esteemed self may see many other topics that are essential for this short interview:
How can NIOS and its allies organize these symposia in such a way as to have a global impact for modern society? What contribution do think you can make to see this become a reality?