Hare Krsna

5 years, 12 months ago by Madhumanjari in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj

Please accept my respectful obeisances to you

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

We pray this find you well.

This is an attempt to follow your request. Helping to build the bridge by adding a little bit of sand, insignificant contribution, but it counts for you and Krishna.

First at all, Thank you so much for your compassion and kindness, by encouranging us to write and keep connection with you. You know very well that this is the only way that I can survive. Thank you Sir!!🙏

your are rescuing us.

My poor communication atittude could be misunderstood as neglectful or perhaps disrespectful. Please forgive me for that. Despite of that deficiency, everyday we do attempt to compensate it by remembering and offering you our honest endeviour to follow the process in a more responsable way. Chanting our 16 rounds daily, 85% attandance to morning program and practical devotional service at Melbourne Mahaprabhu Mandir as a full time ashram devotee.

HpS - AgtSP paoho. It is very nice to hear from your good self, Madhumanjari Devi Dasi. We saw your Temple President, Aniruddha Das in Mayapura and had very nice talk with him about preaching in Melbourne and of course asking how you are doing. He was quite pleased with your help and creative energy/

It has been a intense time here. Changes and lessons to learn in all aspects to various levels. These days it is more introspections and self-analysis (subjected to be deceived, of course). Krishna is giving me confronting experiences. Opportunities to wash out my karma ( reconciling way to see them), practical application of knowledge (vijnana), and awareness of the interactive participation of some Krsna's energies; kind of being an observer. So getting better perception of the circumstances and relief from detrimental emotional charge.

I have been witnessing many events where, relationship among devotees can become intensely conflicting and painful. My understanding is that in general, everybody has issues to address and mostly we are not aware of them.

ASA - !!!! That seems to be 65% of all psychology!

Everybody is suffering in one way and other. For most of us, as Krsna in Bhagavad-gita states; it is lust our enemy, and when lust is not satisfied, anger arises. Krishna has been showing me this again and again in different way from the personal and public level.

It is amazing how the very same object can elicit lust or intense/aggressive anger. Actually lust's faces - transformations.

Listening to a lecture of Bhakti Vijnana maharaj, we came to know that sex is not the most difficult sense to control. Actually it is the tongue. Most of us, we are ridicusly drag down by the uncontroled tongue, it is embarrasing, such so that we are forced to give it up, old-age, illness.. so embarrasing!!!. Despite of knowing this, still i am failing to control my tongue, always looking for eating something tasty (offered to Krishna), eating not for the sake of honoring Krishna prasadam, rather eating for enjoyment. My determination is weak, sometimes fasting or eating in regulated fashion, but it lasts only few days. Again failure. But, there is a small solace, at least now i am more aware of it, and sometimes i do try to honour Krishna prasadam; hope eventually it will be more frequent and natural. Please, could you give me some tips.

HpS - In most respects this might be like the blind leading the blind. We also feel that we have plenty of room to improve in controlling the tongue.

Of course, sometimes we are not eating as we plan because our plan is ridiculous. We want to be little Rupa Goswamis or Visnu-priyas. Chant Hare Krsna while you are eating in what you feel is an improper manner, and often you can see what the attraction is. For us it is not the taste alone but how the eating will enliven our seneses. Basically we are hungry, starving, and our body is not getting what it needs from a good source so it has to eat too much of another substance to squeeze out what is needs.

Usually it is not eating less, it is eating better, that we have to learn.

This reminds me you and your explanaition of NOI, first text, straight line = tongue, stomach and genitals; Bhaktivinoda Thakura prasadam prayer = sarira abidya jal jodendriya tahe kal jive phele.. We used to repeat it mechanically, then even not reciting it before taking prasadam, now.. i beg you to help me to recite it more consciously and every time before honouring prasada...

HpS - If you go to our Archives in our Web-page, you will find an 'asa-noi.docx' file. In the End-notes for that you can get a word-for-word translation for 'sarira avidya jal...'. Also in other song book? Helps so much to say the prayers with understanding. We can advance very quickly.

Oh gosh!!!, we have given a perfect process, i am failing in following it as it should be. Please help me Sir, I need to follow Krishna consciousness process in a conscious, responsible manner, no anymore familiarity and mechanical attitude. I am tired, Sir.. I don't want to fail again and again.. I realised that i do have many problems in my spiritual life, poor control of the mind, poor understanding of real Krishna consciousness, poor quality vaisnava association, poor quality of chanting, poor sadhan, poor quality service.. all because, i do not follow the process as it should be.. and all starts by developing good devotional habits.

HpS - You sure seem to have a good knowledge of all the limbs of the process!

The process is perfect (Jay Srila Prabhupada!!!), but i am neglectful and lazy in practicing the process, i want to overcome this weakness. Please help me, Sir.

Thank you for your time and care and inconditional love. I know that you care for all of us, your children.

Please accept my obeisances to you again and again, my dear, respected Gurumaharaj. Thoughts of you, are me inspiration, hope, shelter, and solace. Thank you for being here with us, leading our path back to Krishna.

Your child

Madhumanjari dd

HpS - I think a lot of your 'little sisters and little brothers' are interested to hear your thoughts. Hope our comments are of some use! We saw Raktaka Das' brother in law in Mayapura. Keep track of the next few weeks as a reporter for the blog and send a report on the Sankirtan at Melbourne temple!