Looking for Maharaja's Acronym list for various SB Cantos
HpS - We did AGTSP and PAMHO because Hansadutta Maharaja put in a teletype machine in the Berkeley Temple and I was the guy who could run it and they charged like 5-cents a letter, so we invented PAMHO and AGTSP. We will probably get kicked in the backside one time for every time it has been used as minimizing Guru!
Then DAPUP. Devahuti, Akuti, Prasuti, Uttanapada, Priya-vrata. In the third canto M. Pariksit asks to hear about the devotional service of Svayambhuva Manu and his descendents and that is the guiding principle, didactic principle (?), for the organization of cantos 3-7 after that. You can find this in our Archives in our web-page, www.jayarama.us, as SB Summary. Look and you will find it.
Pada-padma - Cantos ONe and Two
DDPP - Canto Four - Daksa, Dhruva, Prithu, Praceta
PANAR-BHA-BHU - Canto Five - Priyavrata, Agnidhra, Nabhi, Rsabdeva, BHarati, Bhumandala
ADD-VRTA-DITI -Canto Six - Ajamila, Daughters of Daksa, VRTAsura, DITI kills Indra.
Canto Seven is just Krsna is equal to everyone ie. He favored demigods over Vrtasura, and VAD to Yuddhisthira Maharaja.
Canto Eight is the other 13 manus: Gajendra, Kurma (Churning the Ocean + Mohini Murti), Vamana and Matsya Avataras.
Canto Nine is OUR Manu - Vaivasvata Manu.
The Summary is in the powerpoint in the archives.
O.K.? More service.??