DTC Tu(16)
AGTSP.... paoho. We made it! It was a long, hard struggle, but in the end Lord Nrsmhadeva prevailed. After …
DTC Mo(15)
14 Letters in about 1 hour and 20 minutes! AGTSP paoho. That's 80minutes/14 letters = 5.714285714285714 minute/ letter. …
DTC Fr(12)
AGTSP paoho.... It's 1.24AM. We have 6-minutes before we start Japa Joe. We are in Srivasa Pandita Das' home/ashrama …
DTC Th(4)
A G T S P ! (((paoho))) Here we are in …
DTC Tu(2)
AGTSP paoho Here is a link that Professor Annette sent us of photos from the University program in Ft. Collins, …
DTC Mo(1)
Oink! Oink! Whoop! Whoop! Honk! Honk! Piggy, Monkey, Hamsa here. AGTSP.... ((paoho))))))) How are you? We have a head …
visit to Argentina Ambarisa das
hare krsna pamho _______ò__ agtsp all glories to you guru dev i want to ask you about your visit to …
DTC Th(27)
A G T S P ! (paoho) We arrived in Denver! All Wednesday morning in Houston we were packing, …
DTC Mo(24)
A G T S P ! paoho.... 9.18PM. R(26). Sankirtan(Science and Religion at Texas Medical Center)... Took a KRSNA book …
DTC Th(20)
AGTSP... paoho. We don't have any heart arythmias but now we have a lot of stomach cramps. Probably means we …
DTC We(19)
----0=[H]=0---- AGTSP (((paoho))) Oink.... Oink! Whoooooooooop! Whoop. Nandulal's brother's elefant is 10 feet tall and 35 years old. …
DTC Tu(18)
AGTSP paoho. Still in Houston. Here until 26th then to Denver. Denver is 5,300 ft. high. First time we …