Special Invitation

13 years ago by candra108_mukhi


AGTSP, AGTU, pamho

Gurudeva hope this letter meets U in good health...

well we Peru Yatra wants to make U an special request...due to U are going to be in USA for your Sri Vyasa puja and we really want to have your association that day U think that it will be possible to have an internet conection with U that day ..??? Here in Peru we are going to celebrate your Sri VYasa puja at 6pm in Schell so is it possible to U to have a connection at 7:45 pm .....???

we will arrange a laptop and a projector...please give us your mercy in order to have darshan from You...

Thank U very much in advance

YOur eternal servant

Kumari Candramukhi dd

ASA -  Tom Brown -   Hare Krsna!!!  Eso fuera nuestra idea primero!!!!  Claro!  7.45PM en Limon es 6.45PM in Nashville, no???    Puede tener Darshan de Vds. Tambien!

Jaya!   Nuestra primero Show De Television!   Monkey, Piggy, HpSwami, Srila Prabhupada, Vds, Srila Vyasadeva, Narada-muni, Radha Madana-bihari!


