
12 years, 9 months ago by Rashmin dd

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

I apologize for saying farm community. It will start as an orchard!

I hope your health is healthy and your India trip is running smoothly.

So, some exciting events have occurred this week. A very nice brahmacari boy went to our local Grihastha Vision Team leader and expressed his interest in me. I was told about it and was asked if I had the same interest in him. I said yes. Ok, so now he changed to white, the whole city of Toronto is aware of our association, etc. etc.! Basically, I wanted to get some advice if you can give any or if you have anything to comment at all. 

your aspiring servant,

Bhaktin Rashmin

HpS -  AGTSP   pamho.    Read the story of Kardama and Devahuti together. (You might also try Romeo and Juliet.  Ja!    Ja!    Ja!      The most famous loves story ever.    Ends with a room full of cadavers.   Be careful!).   Call us when we get to USA!!!    Monday...    209 505 3219!        Congratulations!