last leg of Indian trip 2011

13 years ago by harsh_horse

Hare Krsna Maharaj, AGTSP, PAMHO,

hope you had comfortable journey to Kolkata..this letter contains mutiple issues

1.things BHavi must know - file sent to ur email id

2. we were thinking of transcribing your sankhya audio lectures and then distribute to over professor  in humanities department , we can use that as great preaching tool we think.. but we wont do it without ur permission

3. sadhana report

chanting quality improved, but we were not able to complete rounds by 10am// we are doing 10 minute reading of all arti in our morning program (no  worship or dancing)// our reading slacked esp krsna book but we caught up other like "Japa reform notebok by satsvarup maharaj"  //brother ass {gross body} have been very unhealthy,, little fox{subtle body} is creating problem... may be little fox is bitting brother ass..

4. we need to increase our Bhvai studies as you putting lot lot lot of effort.. so we reqeust us to be presenter for Sb 2.2.8 for crotia -lima group

5. we will try to give our BS exam also.. this dec..

thats all -- we are advancing towards eternal home..

salute from

buffalo /horse

HpS - ASA ---   AGTSP!       We just wrote a long answer to this letter diatribe and then it all got lost so we again will enscribe.

Wait to transcibe the Sanhkya essays, because we will work on them in Nashville in the very next days.

We can only control our body and mind, as Krsna desires when our soul is in-line. If He wants us diseased then that is perfectly fine. We will go on chanting within our heart and our mind.

Essence of all is good Japa before noon, or even before Mangala-arati is never too soon!              Yet, arati, kirtan, classes and fun, accelerate the chanting and make it all fun (for Krsna).

Japa!   Japa!   Japa!    (and then things that help it.)    O.K.   We send again and see your answers here and also in Dehli within 4-days and 12-hours!
Gopal has a SPECIFIC hope from you!