DTC Monday/28

12 years, 10 months ago by hps

Hare Krsna, AGTSP.

We have ten minutes to wash our clothes, take our bath, do Hanuman's puja and leave for the Samadhi for Mangala arati.     We pushed  . . . . .     to answer all the letters.   It was nice.     We are still in Mayapura!   WIth the elefannt and 600 devotees for mangala arati.   we give BhVai class for the MInsititute from 10.30am -  1.PM.  SB 1.10-19.  Hanuman is talking with Sita about Rama's lotus feet.

We may have cancer of the arm-pits from all  the chemicals in the apples, or maybe not.  But the best medicine is jumping up and down during mangala arati etc.

Dr. Sameresha's book is coming alonng.  We tlak with him dialy.   We fight twenty times a day to get th e   internet!   Finally had a SUUUUUPer BhVai class last night with Nama, Candra, Srivaas, Harsh, Gandhav......   So nice!

Had to climb iup 8 stories on the Samdadhi to get the link.

Still not clear what is happening after we get back to USA>  The tickets are all so expensive. Especially if we go just for like a month!

What should we do???  Wait for Latin America until this next summer?????????