B.Natalia reporting

12 years, 10 months ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna Gurudeva
Please accept our humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

I am much better! I am improving very much, thank you for your patience.
I bought a super alarm clock that sounds like a truck from India,

ASA -   !!!!!!!       Jaya Srila Prabhupada!!    !     !        !

it is so loud that I cannot put 10 more minutes because I will disturb too much! So my 4am is really better :D and my rounds are better.  Puja, kirtan and rounds in the morning, accompanied by my brother. My semester is almost finished, so the enthusiasm is growing!

I also organized better my small piece of the kitchen, that makes me very happy.

I am also making to grow flowers in my garden

ASA -  Jaya!   SUper!  Dhooper!     Jaya!

to worship Krsna with my own garden flowers! (And because I am always taking care of them, I became also more concious to drink water myself :)  )

Gurudeva, I make something little whimsically. Some days ago in a program in a couple of devotees’ house, they gave me a very very small Tulasi that was growing on their grown Tulsi pot. And because I was doing all my garden stuff I thought it was ok. Then Tulsi did resisted, because she was too small. And I passed a lot of anxiety those days, so during this days I was nervous and sad, I ask a devotees (Prabhu Puspa Gopal) if he could bring a bigger Tulsi from Chosica. So now Tulsi is living with us in my house, she is beautiful and she looks happy this time (she is much bigger that the first one). Prabhu Puspa gave me a book about Tulsi care, and I am being very careful. It is ok?

ASA -  Yes,  She likes     1) Association.     2) Warm place      3)  Sun     4) Water.   Keep Her where people are active, serving!    How is you Ma Ma Ma???

Thank you Gurudeva to be so patient, I want to be a good disciple.

Hare Krsna! 
Your servant, b.Natalia

Picture of clock looks like little monster!