SATTVA reporting

12 years, 10 months ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna
Please accept our humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

1. Our last meeting was had a special topic. We made a class about how to use facebook (for Krsna!). To learn basic things like to communicate internally through a secret group or more advanced, to invite our friends to future events. So we expect to improve our internal communication during the days between the meeting using our new group, where we can share information that we can comment and see easily all members.

ASA -  Jaya!  Super!   Yet, also demoniact, no?      We are using the technology of the demons for Radha and Krsna!

2. The transcription of the lectures is on the page 37! (at least one page per week) Is Prabhu Jagat Pavitram's service

ASA - Huh?   What lectures?

3. M. Damodar gave an idea: every two weeks, a member can write a small article about a "Sattva topic" to make a small archive of interesting articles to be able on the facebook page. The next week p Jagat Pavitram will present his draft of his article.  

ASA - Send then to different periodicals for publication!

4. We would like to be more careful to take some pictures about our activities to give some life for our facebook page (and for our reports).

5. We are participating on the program at Shell with the prasadam, the last time was 13th November.

6. Sadhana: Prabhu Abhirama, Jagat Pavitra, and b. Natalia are chanting 16 rounds. Prabhu Abhirama is arranging his new studio with a nice altar. M.Damodar improved her worship changing every Sunday the decoration on the back of her altar!

Thank you very much!
Hare Krsna


ASA -  Cool, but who one devotee and his wife left?  Where did they go?   Why did they go?