And the marathon begins...

12 years, 10 months ago by Rashmin dd

Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisaces.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All glories to you!!

OMG I have so much to say but I will keep it somewhat brief. Thank you so much for the advice on cow protection and milk. I told a few friends about it here and they also have become interested in the idea of getting a farm. It's srpeading like wild fire!!

HpS - ASA ---- AGTSP   paoho.   Farm???        Orchard!       Pool the bucks and buy and orchard!         Plant and sow!      Get some neighbors!         Use the fruit and sell the rest at The Sunda Feast!

Saddhana is steady: 16 + 1 rounds every day, 4 regs, morning program. My vow for Kartik was to attend japa every day and for the exception of a crazy fever and cold I had, I think this vow went pretty well to the point that I now have become steady and awake during japa. Fingers crossed!

And of course Prabhupada's marathon!!!!!!!!!! Here in Toronto we started the marathon this Saturday so it will comprise of six weeks. Six weeks of bliss. My goal for the duration of this marathon is 50 books. I'm a neophyte in book distribution and I am not qualified but Mangal arti dd told me that this is a good mood to have because when we feel like we can't perform this service.... I forgot what she said now. See? I am not qualified to even remember the teachings of the acharyas. Despite this fault I really enjoy serving Gaura Nitai and Prabhupada!!!! I like coming back home and telling Them how many books were given out!! Especially NOI. I know you really like this book so I want others to enjoy this book and go back to godhead by reading it. I love this book too :) 

So I ask for your blessings to keep going out everyday without fail and perform Sankirtan. It's alway very, very, very scary but ..." surrender means confidence" so I try to be confident that Krsna will take care of me. 

your aspiring servant,

Bhaktin Rashmin

ps. Madhavendra puri sent you the recommendation letter to both the e-mail addresses you gave me so I hope you received them.