DTC Monday/21

12 years, 10 months ago by hps

AGTSP    paoho

We've reached Mayapura.  We cut our foot!   Ouch!   Reaction for the stay in Kolkatta, Maya!           INtense meeting with MI Dudes, schedule clear.  We will stay here until like 6th December and teach for three weeks rather than two.  We get a class room for bi-lingual class each night, and then we go back to Kolkatta.  IF we can keep workinng on the book.          Internet last night was horrible.  This morning is it O.K.  But tha cuts into our regular Japa!          Wlecome tot he world of Maya Mr. Jiva!

Here is the letter we just sent to Manipura!



All glories to Sri Guru & Sri Gouranga



Srila Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaja,

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obesanses. With the divine plesings of Sri Guru & Sri Sri Radhakrisnachandra, your preaching programme is going well whenever and wherever your divine grace and your disciples are there. I myself and more particularly, the devotees of Thoubal could not serve you well during your stay in Manipur, which torments us always. This is due to our ignorance and incompetency to be a disciple of a Guru. Please forgive us.

The day you left Imphal, that night, I saw my spiritual master, Srila Sripada Maharaja giving lectures to a grouo of Krisna devotees. The movement I prosterated before him he asked me, “Partha, where is your list of devotees for initiation. I am in a hurry”. Then and there I was preparing the list. Before completing it I work up. Tears rolled down my cheeks and was sobbing betterly. I take it as a direct divine instruction to me do be more active in the preaching work for Krisna Conceousness.

To me, Maharaja, your short staty in Manipur reminded me of Sripada’s presence with your divine grace. That, I strongly feel, might be the reason for his divine appearance in my dreem of that night.

As for me, Maharaja, I love the devotees of Thoubal very mukch. I like their simplicity and honesty, I am realy grateful to your divine grace for sparing your valuable time to see the Chief Minister of Manipur in the interest of Thoubal Devotees and more particularly for the Kaina Project “Second Goloka Vrindavana” to attract the tourist of the world and specially of the Krina Devotees of the world, which was once dramt by my psiritual master, Sri Pada Maharaja but could not be translated into action before he entered into the samadhi at Radhakunda. We are sending the copy of the Kaina Project immediately on receipt of the approval from the Government of India. Chief Minister is expecting the approval any time well ahead of the financial year.

Apart from your divine instructions given to the devotees of Thoubal for observing four principles of ISKCON strictly and also japa at least 16 rounds a day, they have already started reading Sri Isopanisad, Nectar of instructions and Prabhupada’s Lilamrita. I have told them, I will come to Thoubal ISKCON every Sunday to see if they have read properly and also to explain the area which they can’t digest well, if any.

We are eagerly waiting for your next visit to Manipur possibly on the day of Ramanabami, 2012 as wished by your divine grace, for blessing the devotees of Thoubal as your diciples.


I hope your divine grace would kindly favour them with a reply.

Yours humble sarvant

Parth Sarathi Das




HpSwami - AGTSP!!!! paoho! We have read the two previous letters from Mukta Prabhu and now this wonderful letter. We have reached Mayapura and of course are struggle with the material nature.

1). I think we can expect this pace of communication, about every week or two. Maybe, official report each Ekadasi.

2) I am very, very, very encouraged that your good selves have been determined to maintain communication!!! Thank you so much.

[ ] 3) We have looked and looked and looked and we cannot find Partha-sarathi Prabhu's e-mail address! Please send it to us.

3) Let us start reading the Nectar of Instruction together, books are the basis! Can we do it weekly and discuss it each Sunday in Thoubal with all the devotees and Aspirants for Initiation?

4) Again, we feel like Uddhava trying to become spiritual master for the Gopis. You have all take such more exalted birth than oursleves, but as we can help with the help of Bana-mala Prabhu and everyone we will try.

5) For the project in Kaina and the Chief Minister please send the following letter:


Your Excellency

Chief Minister Manipur State



Hare Krsna! It was great honor and satisfaction to meet your good self during our last visiti to Manipura. We were very happy to be invited to participate in the devlopment of spiritual and historical tourism in Manipura. Personally we would be happy to participate and as we represent our institutions, ISKCON, and NIOS (North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies) we would also be happy to participate.


As we understand them we very much appreciate the ideas of Partha-sarthi Das for developement of Kaina as following inspiration of our B. S. Damodara Maharaja. Of course, we are also happy as we can work with our own ISKCON Regional Secretary in Manipuria, Sm. Ekanatha Das.


At this point can we ask for a copy/summary of the Manipur State proposal to the Central Government of India for funds to develop tourism in India so we may see how we might fit into that scheme.


It is obvious that the whole world has gone very much astray for executing the purpose of taking birth as human beings and it is our humble opinion that those who have taken birth in India and Manipur have very essential work to do in correct the situation for a joyful future in our material existence.


Hanumatrpesaka Swami

(Professor H. H. Robinson)



(Ricardo Palama University, Lima, Peru)