
14 years, 2 months ago by mittalga

My dear Maharaja,

Dandavat pranams. Ram Ram.

Krishna is within me and within everyone. He loves me and everyone and He is everyone's eternal well wisher and He gives us knowledge and wisdom. He is giving life to all of us etc.. This fact is very important part of my bhakti.

For me, initiation strengthens my acceptance of my eternal relationship with Krishna. Same Krishna resides in my and your heart. Therefore, He should tell you to initiatiate me. It should not be based on recommendation or contract. 

For me, initiation is acceptance that everything belongs to Krishna. I belong to Krishna and my body, house, family etc belongs to Krishna. I am supposed to use Krishna's objects in Krishna's service. As Krishna is in everyone, I am supposed to use His objects in service of everyone.

When we act with understanding that everyone belongs to Krishna, then all our actions automatically become bhakti. This understanding is above all actions i.e. sadhana. Actually, the purpose of external sadhana is to realize that everyone belongs to Krishna.

If Krishna cannot come and tell you to initiate me, then He want me to be patient and wants me to deepen my acceptance that everyone belongs to Him.

Your servant,

Gaurav Mittal

HpS - Jaya.  AGTSP.  pamho

The problem with listening to Krsna in the heart is that we also have competing voices from our stomach, etc.

Besides that there is the contamination that material desires since time immemorial are in the heart and it is so easy to listen to those as well as the supersour.

So we follow BG 4.34 and Srila Prabhupada's purport.

A boy and girl have some knowlegde in their hearts, the wedding is a formality, but not a meaningless formality.

Is, O.K?