DTC Thursday/17

12 years, 10 months ago by hps

Hare Krsna!!!!!   AGTSP    paoho & bw....  Here we are in Kollatta for the third day.  Yesterday we went to the printer for the first time and did a lot, lot, lot of work.   When the printer was passing the Word files of the book to InDesign all the Bold, Italic etc stuf would get erased.     We called Abhirama in Peru and he explained that it took his six hours to solve that problem. You have to Erase the Times Roman fonts in Windows XP and replace them with the same from Windows 7!

It worked.  Saved us maybe 4-hours of revisions.  Etc.   Etc.  Apply for ISBNumber.

Little odd staying in a hotel but they know Dr. Samaresh and Gopal Temple is near.  They have pictures of Lord Caitanya.

We are really getting it down to do a little bit of all of our work on time, rather than trying to do a lot but with no rythm.   O.K.    Do a little bit our our BVC Essays and go to Gopal Mandir!