Hare Krishna!!!!

13 years, 3 months ago by danielfrozero

Hare Krishna!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

How are you you Maharaja?






HpS - ASA   ---   Our physical body is a lump of ignorance and our mental body is and ocean of hate, but as we chant properly we can  e l e v a t e   them!!!  How are you?



Here we are in Krsna consciousness, trying to make progress
A few days ago to give up my old job, .and started working in the temple restaurant  "Naturaleza Divina". I am very very happy to be every day in association with devotees.
I feel so inspired and happy, since I am in the fixed service in the temple also on Tuesdays.
We are making preparations for the Ratha Yatra, and some devotees are trying to play that day.
I follow the principles and chant 16 rounds, try them in the morning, now that I'm organizing a job change but my routine and my Sadhana.
I read the Srimad Bhagavatam  and the Bhagavat Gita, and the weekends when my children are read pastimes of Krishna.
I try to take steps in this process sure and get to my heart, I'm so grateful to Krishna by the things that are happening and I have association with devotees.
I have a devotional music project with a friend and we are recording every week in my house.

I leave the link in case you want to listen


Thanks for reading my letter and I will write soon
My obeisance to you
Jaya Prabhupada!!

your aspirant
Bhakta Daniel

Hare Krishna!!!

HpS - ASA    Hare Krsna!!!   When you will become Paramahamsa we ask with mischievious smile?!