B.Natalia reporting

12 years, 10 months ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeissances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to Vrndava dham, to Krsna Balarama!

Gurudeva, your answer gave confidence and enthuciasm. I am improving little: best quality in my chanting, but steal not regulated on times. I am going to sleep more early and avoiding eating at night, so my conciousness is better in the morning, steal I sleep to much some times, I simply don't hear the alarm, and even sometimes I feel too apathic then maya takes me very quickly again to sleep. I chant as much as posible in the morning before anything else, and then I make special times to chant in the day, but sometimes I have to rush with some rounds... specialy tuesday and thrusday that I have many hours of class.

Because my conciousness is not so hi, I am introspective, trying to understand what is happening. I am also trying to appreciate what Krsna sends me to help me (Sattva class, Krsna book, service, I am planting flowers in my garden for my altar).

I want to be a devotee, and I want to correct my mistakes deeply. I am not steal in a super practice, but is better.
The goal: please Krsna with 4 am, 16 good rounds, 4 reg, programs, and as much Krsna conciousness as posible. I hope to be rescued from myself by Krsna's mercy, by guru's mercy.

Thank you Gurudeva to be a perfect example of what a diciple is.
Your aspirant servant,


ASA - SUPer SUper Super!!!  AGTSP   pamho.   You are expanding your Krsna consciusness to broader limits.  Is very very nice.  Dont think you are doinng small thing. It will help sosososos    many people. Always get more association.  Chant Japa with someone else by checking in on telephone together. Things like that!