SATTVA reporting

12 years, 10 months ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna
Please accept our humble obeissances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

1. Sadhana:
Luis is chanting 8 rounds of japa (4 in the morning, 4 during the day), M Damodar is chanting 16 rounds (8 in the morning, 8 durind the day, with some difficulties), P. Abhirama is chanting 8 rounds in the morning and 8 during the day, p. Jagat pavitram chant 16 rounds in the morning, b.Natalia is chanting 16 rounds with some difficulties.

2. The Srimad Bahagavatam study is going on every Saturday, now it starts at 7am. We studies the SB 1.1.2, with assistance of P. Abhirama, Luis Torino, m.Damodar, b.Natalia.

3. Our Wednesday meetings are now starting at 7pm. We are studying the LOB. We discussed ideas about how to use more the facebook, not only for external comunication, but also to consider the posibility to make our internal comunication and discussion during the week throught the facebook, wich is very practical to make very dynamic comunication. So we will make a internal group to be connected between us.

4. Our study together has the goal to make a common perspective about the understanding of our philosophy.

5. Prabhu Jagat Pavitram had already transcribe 20 pages of the lecture "hacia donde va la humanidad".

6. Prabhu Abhirama told that Kishor Gupta (Gita asrama, hindu community) is willing to help Sattva in its activities, he likes very much Sattvas projects.

Hare Krsna!!

 ASA - AGTSP   paoho   Super, but what about joining the BhVai SB schedule?