Thank u 4 ur interest in Surya Siddhanta

13 years, 4 months ago by saranga-das

Dear Maharaj:


Surya Siddhanta provides alot of interesting information regarding calculating planetary postions, including eclipes of the Sun and Moon.

It is important to note that some significant changes are made to the ordering of the planets made in the 5th Canto, SB. The Moon comes first, followed by Mercury, Venus, the Sun, then the ordering is the same with Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Rahu is seen as an effect rather than a cause. Detailed explanations follow on how to calculate orbits, etc. If you ever wanted to know why the ordering of the planets occur as they do in our standard week, this is explained also.

SS is a difficult text without the aid of simple diagrams. Once these are added, any intelligent devotee will easily grasp the content. It appears SP was not familiar with the details of the text but recommended us to it before building the Vedic Planetarium.  As you may know, Danavir Maharaj has had BSST's work translated into English from Bengali and I believe it has been used to aid in the design of the TOVP.

I look forward to creating an edited version of the Surya Siddhanta, Siddhanta Siromani and the 5th Canto. In all respects, my aim is to resolve any confilcts that may occur in devotees minds as they contemplate the Universe for the first time without recourse to the present day helio-centric view of modern astronomy,  to increase sadhana and appreciation for the Vedic Version.

YHS, Saranga-das Thakur dasa

Tom Brown - AGTSP   paoho.  We are ready to see you work!