Fanatism & strictness

13 years, 2 months ago by harsh_horse

Hare Krsna, AGTSP, PAMHO, AGT you

this question refers to various segment/types of rules .

ASA TB/BW -  AGTSP    Hare Krsna!  What does "segment/types rules" mean!!!?

i know we need to have high sublte intelligence to get this answered, understand and apply. we dont have such intelligence, but we still are asking, because we think we have already made a mess of our life and linked to others both materially and spiritually.

1. which rules are indepedent of time , place and circumstances.

ASA - If you are a pure devotee, none of them. Arjuna's rules and regulations all depended on the moments changes of the battle!  In heaven or hell however we have to follow the four principles and chant 16 nice rounds daily minimum!

2. how do we understand what is principle of what is detail.

By smoking marajuana and riding bicycles, but we have to give that up to understand them properly.

3. how do we know we are following strictly instead of fanatically (niyama-āgraha).

Because Krsna is in our heart and He will make us feel proper if we are doing it for Him and not for our honor and prestige.

4. we read SP books which gives us so many instructions, how do we know which one we have to apply. for example we thought these series of verses [SB 2.2.4 -2.2.5] are meant for every devotee. 

TB - Don't know those verses from memory!!

But later we realized  after commiting mistakes for months this verse is for sannyasi not householder.

please enlighten us.

we have more question in such lines ,but wait for you reply



TB - ASA -   Very good questions, but basic principle is to always chant Hare Krsna. If you have any doubt what to do chant Hare Krsna.    Getting up eary and getting your rounds done well is the first principle. You should always do that.
Are you doing it?

Until you are a little advanced in that your other questions won'te be very valuable!!!
Tell us the results of your efforts in this area.