Sadhana Report

13 years, 3 months ago by nadiavillar
<cite>Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaj! All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Please, accept my humble obeisances. </cite>
<cite>Here Nadia Villar from Chile reporting herself <img alt="smiley" src="" title="smiley" />. First of all, thank you very much for your reply. My health is quite better. I went to a natural therapies center and I am using Bach Flowers to treat my vertiginous syndrome, among other diseases. I notice my concious is better and my mind is much submissive. 4 principles OK.  I am chanting 10 rounds daily. I get up at 6:00 am everyday and trying to chant at least 2 rounds before going to work and reading LOB in the morning.  I lost my japamala in my way to work l</cite>ast week <img alt="frown" src="" title="frown" />. I dropped it in the metro station accidentally. Fortunately, I had a mala made by seeds at home and I am chanting it now. 
<cite>Besides working I am studing tourism, because I want to be no longer a teacher. <img alt="" src="" title="" /> So, time is gold for me. I am trying to collaborate with Rodrigo hernandez Prabhu in translations for Utsaha and supporting him in his ideas for ASA Chile... we go forward step by step.</cite>
<cite>Lately, I have association with Raman Reti, she is a great friend and support. Hope to have the strenght to improve my sadhana this week and chant 16 rounds as I used to. </cite>
<cite>Thank for your patient. </cite>
<cite>Your servant, </cite>
<cite>Nadia V.</cite>
<cite>HpS  AGTSP    pamho   Very nice.  Please the other three, four letters posted before this one.  YOu will see that there are many, many, people with same challenge as you.  Including me.  So next report you should be chanting 10 rounds daily at least and then you can make a vow to chant more because you see that it helps you in every way!</cite>