SATTVA reporting

12 years, 11 months ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna
Please accept our humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

  1. We are studying the light of Bhagavata during the meetings. Prabhu Abhirama is directing the study of this book.
  2. The SB classes by skype are becoming regular on Sunday at 6am.
  3. Sadhana: Lourdes make the vow to chant 8 rounds, Juan is chanting 16 rounds, Prabhu Abhirama, Jagat Pavitram and Natalia are chanting 16 ronuds.
  4. Sattva will participate on the Govardhan festival in Chosica.
  5. Damodar mataji is sending a summary of each meeting to the whole team,  with details.

Your servants, SATTVA

ASA -  Jaya!   AGTSP    paoho.  So nice report. It is actually on the spiritual platform.   We can go on like this FOREVER.   We are struggling with Internet and advancing.   We sent the manuscript of Dr. Samaresh's book to him by Speed Post last Monday last week and it just arrived this Monday.   One week!!!        A lot of association with senior devotees, here.  Many many devotees here. We are fixing a practical schedule, like you all and then we can see what is our ignorance and what is the ignorance that we can't avoid.  We slept an hour longer today, but seems like essential because of the stress from doing the Parikrama of Kamyavan yesterday. There were 2000 devotees walking. Taking prasadam in an open field with dust sun, no water..  Jaya! Radhe!
O.K.   We answer more letters and send the Kapi Dhavaja tommorrow.  Thank you so much.  Continue as you are!   Jaya Giri Govardhana!