2.57AM - Vraja.
Oink Oinnk! Internet USB drive is not good, but Blog is working. Hare Krsna. Must be exactly what Krsna wants. This is Vraja!!!!! Jaya Srila Prabhuapda, Nitai Gaura Radhe Shyama, Jaya Krsna Balarama.
We got six rounds left from our 25/day from yesterday. Our Bhakti Vaibava program is about as spaced out as our internet, but we are pretty much on schedule with out calendar. This week we start SB 2.3
We put a lot of stuff in the letter to Rasmin Mata about cows and SB 2.2.
O.K. Let's chant more Japa and go to the temple, and see what Monkey write on his scrap pages!