Hare Krishna!!

13 years, 3 months ago by danielfrozero

Hare Krishna!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

How are you Maharaja?

HpS - ASA -  AGTSP   About to die the trip from Belgium to Vraja was a giant killer, but we have 25 Mg of strenght left to answer letters!

Here we are in Krsna consciousness, trying to make progress
A few weeks ago we met in the house of Madhavendra Puri das. I am grateful to Krishna to have the opportunity to partner with such great souls. It was a very nice meeting, which I have attached some pictures.
I am recovered from my broken foot, so I want to see the possibility of starting a fixed service in the temple.
I work preparing fruit smoothies and juices, in a place that is in the financial district of Buenos Aires (Kali Yuga), where many office and bank. While I can exercise tolerance, i want to change jobs as soon as possible, as I feel that I can not advance spiritually in that place.
Still I can not get up in Brahma Muhurta , but do not doubt that in the near future to accustom to do, because I am very inspired by you
I sing 16 rounds and i'm following the principles. I try to read the first chant of Srimad Bhagavatam and the Bhagavad Gita on a daily
Thank you very much for reading my letter

Please accept my obeisances
His aspirant

Bhakta Daniel

Hare Krishna!

ASA -   Jaya.   Yeah!   If you just get up a little bit earlier each week you can get the Brahma muhurta habit.   Then you will be adept at catching the opportunites that Krsna is sending!!!