
13 years, 2 months ago by harsh_horse

hare krsna maharaj

dandvat pranam..

chankaya pandit says " not even a single moment will come back , if you pay trillions of dollars".

when we see, watch, some times we see death is walking closer to us. we have less time to do whatever we have to do.

this time scarcity mentality has decreased our patience a lot. as our patience decreases so do us our tolerance. 

we want everything to be done quickly, we can not wait for anything. If we have to wait we get fired up or frustrated.

some times  --we become mechanical in all activities , trying to save time every second. and we treat others as machine..

i know some thing is wrong with this mentality of ours, we beg to correct us.

 HpS - ASA - Jaya Srila Prabhupada. What comes to mind is the same answer we gave in the letter from Mother Natalia: We have to investigate and then see that if we focus on the root of the system, Krsna Bhakti, then we will be doing universal service.  All of our desires to serve KRSNA will be accomplished.

That takes investigation.

NOI Three.  Utsahan niscayad..... Enthusiasm is more important than patience but without patience it turns into passion and the result is that we may get more done immediately but in the long run we get less done.

"There's never enough time to do the job right the first time, but then you have to take time to get it done for a second time".

YES,  be enthusiatic to use every second for Krsna perfectly, but understand that unless there is some patience then you will not work so efficiently.

It's a big topic.