B.Natalia reporting

12 years, 11 months ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna

Please accept our humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Gurudeva  I have some problems to manage my time. At home I feel less strong. However my brother is helping me a lot. He became very serious, he is waking up early, chanting 16 rounds, and he is even doing sankirtan while coming back from the school (every day some books). So he is big help for me. We go together to the programs, and festivals.

We had a super nice program: Radharani’s Tour (organized by Adi Adri mataji and her husband prabhu Jitendriya). We had super powerful kirtan (36 hours kirtan) with BB Govinda Swami, Madhava Prabhu, Ayush Sharma… Maharaja asked devotees to really focus on the chanting, he chastised us to be too distracted. And after that kirtan was fantastic, everybody was more focused, and it marked a difference. Also Madhava Prabhu asked us to focus better, and he explained beautiful points about the meaning of chanting. I really liked those days in association with devotees in kirtan. And I learned a lot from them, from their seriousness to focus on their chanting. And I also became more attracted to do kirtan. I am really grateful to Krsna for those days.

Gurudeva, my program is still irregular. I am not very expert managing my time. I had sometimes rounds for the next day due to my homework, and some days I didn’t wake up at 4am. I know this is not good, and is not what is asked for my initiation. I will work on this, so my next report can be better.

Aspiring to be your servant,

Bhaktin Natalia

HpS - ASA -   AgtSP     paoho.    Thank you so much for the news of Radharani Tour in Peru!        So nice to hear everybody's preaching about Kirtana, the Holy Names.   So nice.

"sraddha sabde visvas kahe sudrda niscaya

   Krsna bhakti kaile, sarva kama krta haya"

Being faithful means to understand than just by doing Bhakti-yoga everything else will be accomplished, like a shadow follows the body, and amongst all of our services chanting 16-nice rounds is the most essential. In this movement Srila Prabhupada requires everyone to rise early, by 4AM, offer Mangala-arati and Kirtana [Brahma muhurta], and in this way we live in Vaikuntha!

It takes practice, but as far as I can see you have made a LOT of progress since we talked in Mayapura two years ago!!!!

Go ahead!