SATTVA reporting

12 years, 11 months ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna

Please accept our humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

  1. On Saturdays at 6am we will do a Srimad Bhagavatam class by Skype.
  2. Juan and Lourdes reported their sadhana: Juan is chanting his 16 rounds, and Lourdes 4 rounds. Prabhu Abhirama moved to a new apartment, he is doing his program there (guruastaka, rounds, kirtan y una hora de lectura). Bhaktin Natalia is chanting her 16 rounds and doing program but with some difficulties to manage her time (not able to go few meetings of Sattva).
  3. We are preparing presentation card for our members, we already approved the design.
  4. Mataji Damodar join us, she will help bhaktin Natalia with the taking notes during the meetings.
  5. Lourdes and Juan will be in charge to collect our weekly donations.
  6. The next meeting we will make a concrete plan to start to try recipes for chifles (banana snack)

Trying to serve Prabhupada’s mission

Your servants, SATTVA  

HpS - ASA ---  AgttSP.   Pamho.   Very, very nice.   We expect that your Sankirtana news will grow more and more on the basis of this Sadhana.  Super.