Hare Krishna, Hanumat Preshaka Swami!

12 years, 11 months ago by Rashmin dd

Dear Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

All glories to you!

I hope you are well and healthy and still going. I like hearing your lectures whenever I can although it's hard now since I lost my iPod. Krishna keeps taking away my things! Anyways, what to do. 

Sadhana: 4 regs,  17 rounds, morning program, some sankirtan, my services with the Bhakti Lounge centre, trying to read 2 hours of Prabhupada's books everyday. We started a program in the temple for matajis- a bhaktin program/ Vaishnavi sanga on Friday evenings. We are learning very nicely about Krishna consciousness and just recently about spiritual master and disciple relationship. It's very exciting to study just with girls about Krishna- kind of like going to school again. 

Also, maharaj, I never got the e-mail with the address to send my recommendation letter. It might be a good idea to give you my e-mail address : [email protected] 

As well, you might want to take a peek at the Sep/Oct issue of the BTG Magazine... :)

your aspirant servant

Bhaktin Rashmin

HpS - ASA -   Jaya!!!   AgtSP          We could not contact you!!!    O.K. we will send the letter and address to you right now ...

Letter sent.

Your program sounds good.   Never get too comfortable. This room is for Transit Passengers only!      Where can we read the BTG???