Hare krsna maharaj,
In our scriptures, are there any guidelines for women especially related to our situation in kaliyug? There are many examples like draupadi, kunti maharani, but following them in kaliyug seems close to impossible because the conditions are very much different. If a wife tries to follow the vedic standards or standards given by draupadi, the husband's reaction and behaviour may not be of the same standard as the pandavas..in that case following draupadi's example is exceedingly tough unless the wife herself is already a perfect devotee with immense tolerance and patience.
In such a situation what do we do? How do we manage conflicting relations of a husband who asks you to follow his standards and non-devotee in-laws who expect you to follow their standards and in the end, you get chastisement from both with little or no appreciation?
HpS - Jaya! AgtSP paoho. Very interesting question. I guess a lot of people would like the answer. However, it is really not different than asking how does one follow Sannyasa in Kali-yuga. Same challenges, relacions to society etc. I don't know of any specific places where Srila Prabhupada talks like that in depth. I think in many of his purports were he explains these examples of Draupadi et al he gives perspectived for the modern world.
In general I would suggest that you talk with more and more experienced lady devotees who can act as Ashrama Gurus for you. I need Ashrama Gurus to be a Sannyasi. There is a lot on Stri dharma in Canto Seven. In the instructions to Yuddhisthira by Bhisma when he is passing away in the first canto there is little bit but very precise.
Prabhupada recommends Parasara Dharma Sastra there as advice for Kali yuga Dharma. I found a copy and you can download it from the archives at our www.bhati.org site. It does give very specific advice for ladies in Kali yuga. For example, if husband dies, takes sannyasa etc then after six years it is not Adharma for a lady to remarry after six years if she wants to. It is third class but in Kali-yuga it is not Adharma.
He says though as I remember, that you can get advice from consulting many good people, devotees about how to do these things. Start to collect references from Prabhupada's books and make a bood for others!