SATTVA reporting

13 years ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna,

Please accept our humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

 -Our meetings are going on every Wednesday at 6:30pm. Bhaktin Catherine has joined the meetings.

 -Wednesday 7th September: We make a 20 soles contribution every month per person, or a weekly contribution of 5 soles. Like this we can make a little fund to use our service.

Sattva is contributing actively in the activities of the beautiful festival Radharani's tour (with BB Govinda Swami, Madhava Prabhu, Amala kirtan..).

 -As usual, we cooked for the Saturday festival in Shell (12.09.2011).

 -I apologize because I am not able to give further report about the meeting on Wednesday 14th, because I was not able to go due to my studies.

 -Our Facebook page is progressing, in order to be ready when we will be ready to do our next activity.!/pages/Centro-Cultural-Sattva/196909367039373

 -Our last meeting (23.09.2011), we participated in a kirtan night organized by Radharani's Tour.

 -Tomorrow (Saturday) we are helping with the program Kirtan bus of Radharani's Tour.

 Thank you very much

Your servants

ASA - Aaachaaa!     AgtSP    paoho    Very nice!              Everybody is getting up early?       Seems you lack a concentrated morning program of hearing SB together. That is REQUIRED for formal disciples in ISKCON!