Reply from Toronto

13 years ago by Rashmin dd

Hare Krishna Maharaj,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to you!

ASA - HpS -   AgtSP!    Paoho.    We deserve a few glories. Much less than many devotees we know, but All Glories we doubt very much!

Thank you so much for giving me shelter. I'm still very surprised and excited and nervous. I asked the temple president, Madhavendra Puri das, and he will write a letter of recomendation. Should he send it electronically or via snail mail? And to which address?

ASA - HpS - Electronic is fine. We send you a letter from the "Secret" Disciple address for his letter. 

Thank you also for answering my question from the Bhagavatam. It makes sense now. I am currently reading chapter 7, the son of Drona punished. dun dun dun.  Like my friend Sukhayanti said, Srimad Bhagavatam is very fascinating, even canto 9 :) 

And I've been working on waking up early and staying up, although I have to say, I'm not a 2am to 10 pm person. I'll make that one of my goals. 

HpS - ASA - 4AM to 10PM is fine to!    Like six hours a day should be enough.

Again many thank yous and please take care of your health. I hope to get your association soon. Attatched is a photograph of our Gaura Nitai in Toronto. Very Beautiful.

Your aspiring servant,

Bhaktin Rashmin

HpS - ASA - Gaura Nitai.    We hope they can take us to Vrndavana!     Now we are in Spain, the Castle, Brihuega. One "Yippie" little dog is "Yapping" across the plaza. I think he was left alone by his masters, devotees, and is in anxiety. It is sunny, Fall is just comming. We have to give three hours of BhVai classes everyday, one chapter a day. It is intense. Then we have our three Peru/Nimsar Classes, and we are working on a book for NIOS!    Also, we are trying to help develop the educational programs in ISKCON etc!       Lot's of pressure to be a good devotee.