DTC Friday/2

13 years, 6 months ago by hps

of a
Traveling Creature


Tom Brown (MONKEY)
Jagamohana Ashrama
Issaquah, Washington, USA

Hare Krsna Prabhus, AGTSP   paoho and bw.    Here we are, Monkey/Piggy with HpSwami, Uncle Gismo et al, in Pandava's Ashrama in Issaquah, Washington.  There are lots and lots and lots of green trees, pine forest that go up and up and up.   There are bears and wolves and Puma-tigers in the forest. It is crisp and cool here. We did a program at Hari-vilasa Prabhu's ISKCON Templ last night. It was pretty cool, Ganesha, BG 10.8 and Prabhupada, the Person Bhagavata. Also, HpS met his brother and sister for the first time since like 1978. That was a lot of emotional stress for everybody by golly - the meeting of two cultures, but it was really cool and everyone benefitted so much.
The human race is making progress.

Srila Prabhupada Ki Jai!

Oscar Natars + Rodrigo Otero, Ki Jai!

Hari-vilasa ISKCON Seattle, Ki Jai!

HpSwami's eyeballs are dying. This is probably the last tour he will take like this. 25-letters yesterday. 25-phone calls after getting back in the USA. There is no time to be to generous with anyone!  Just have to make the offer of Krsna to everyone and then it is up to them to make the choice , no?

We got back late so there was no chance to read the Blog.  Now we will do it.

We got out 25-rounds done from yesterday.

Mangala-arati is 5.30AM here.  According to The World Clock, sunrise is 6.30 here and sunset is 7.45. That means that Brahma-moo-hurta is 5-5.45 AM. Gotta be up and at 'em by 4.30AM, no?  Gotta have your bath and Tilak and be doing Kirtan by 5.00AM if you want to get a passing score with the ISKCON-ASA school of Bhakti Yoga and get a PhD from Lord Caitanya!

O.K. Let's look at five letters from the Blog!

Kirtaniya sada Harih!!