Ambarisa About the six sons of devaki

13 years, 6 months ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das

Hare Krsna Hare Rama

PAMHO AGTSP all glories to you Guru Deva

i m still here in barcelona now we have the visit of Hari Sauri Prabhu, i m a little  tired, but i m fine we are waiting for your visit here.

ASA M/P - Jaya!   AGTSP   paoho.  But we have to news from the Nimai Pandita Das.  We wrote him a few times but no  news?  Who has he invited for the Symposim on Light of the Bhagavata?    The Host from Luces in the Oscuridad?

In the Blog Post to Madhavendra we put info about the visit to Manipur!

i was send it a few days ago one letter to this blogs with this information i dont know if you read it. these explain about the six sons of devaki before Krsna Balarama appereance.

its explain by Visvanatha Cakravarti thakura in his commet about the 10 canto of Srimad Baghavatam.

this is a link about information.

thank you very much

your servent Ambarisa M Das

ASA - Yes, we read it.  It was super information.  Everything has a reason and everything is personal!!  It is time for bath and puja!!!!   4.10AM!!  Please keep sending news.  Your service is SUPER!