why did Sri Krsna not invite Srimati Radharani to join him in mathura or dwarka?

13 years, 6 months ago by mw1

Hare Krsna,


My mother and I were watching a kathak dance ballet on Sri Krsna. In one of the scenes, the separation of Lord Krsna and Radha was depicted. My mother raised a question on this that why did the Lord not invite Radhaji to join him in Mathura or Dwarka after he had vanquished Kansa?

Although a very simple question, i could find no answer suitable for it. It is not possible(as per my limited understanding) that the Lord forgot to invite her or was too tied up in other matters. He is the perfect person so such an explanation does not seem complete.

I request you to please kindly shed some light on this question.

HpS - Jaya!   AgtSP   Pamho.  Such a nice question.  If you look at


CC Madhya 13.127 and the surrounding verses I think you will find the answer. It is a big secret, just between us.     (Ha!    Ha!   Ha!)

More nice questions!!