Jaya Radhe Jaya Krishna Jaya Vrindavana! M Puri das from buenos aires

13 years, 6 months ago by Madhavendra Puri das


Hare Krishna gurudeva!! long time not writing you...

ASA Monkey/Piggy - AGTSP   pamho.  Yeah!   Long time!  Demon...

i m fine, 

ASA Monkey/Piggy - Well that's good to hear. HpS gets in all this anxiety thinking about his students when he hears too much or too little from them.  You gotta learn the art of saying just the right amount to people in just the right way. Well, we also are demons, so I guess we can't be too critical of others! 

following 4 principles without problems, japa not in it best moment, not allways good chanting, with some problems to get up early also, very tired low energy,

ASA Monkey/Piggy - It's a matter of priorities. Don't we know. We are not the Supreme Friends (bhotarama yajna tapasyam...).   Gotta do our work as pro-por-tioned by The Boss and then let The Boss do at least 85% of the work. 

 but by krishnas mercy very much ocupated in service at the present, happy in that way.....with my wife we are giving mantra yoga meditation seminars at the temple,

ASA Monkey/Piggy - Wow!   Super!   "Om mani padme hum!" Hare Krsna Hare Rama!" Super!

last week like 15 new people chant 1 round in the mala for the first time,

ASA Monkey/Piggy - Super! Blooper!     We did like the same kind of seminar at Ricardo Palma University and it was also Super.  We made "Minute Malas". 25-beads each, and then put them in packages with little explanation and they sold like pancakes... boom!

very much intrested people...also givin ayurveda nd cookin courses in some yoga centers, in the houses of some people, doin some bhaktivriksa programs, ..i also continue giving yoga clases,etc.....i gave up last month an office job i take this year that was with my family, it  was not beein very good for my  health, now much more relieved in that way....

Prepearin to travel to india also ,the 21 of october , i think we will arrive like 23 to vrindavana...yr gonna be there at that time,no? is it posible to travel to manipur with you also?

ASA Monkey/Piggy - You gotta look at the Calendar link in the KDh for our Calendar.   Think we come back from Bombay to Vraja about then!    We will put news about Manipur in the next Kapi Dhvaja. You have to contact the Temple President there and about staying, visiting etc.   We will do a light of the Bhagavata symposium and try to see all the Kartika purnima Rasa-lila. If you get permission to stay then you have to get tickets.   Ho!   Ho!   Ho!     We got ours from www.makemytrip.com -

Here is our letter to them:

President -radha carana das manipur <[email protected]>

GBC Regional Secretary - ekanatha das manipur <[email protected]>

Our Good Friend - ajit das <[email protected]>


Esteemed Radha-carana Prabhu, Ekanatha Prabhu, Ajita Prabhu's et al,

Srila Prabhupada, Srila Bhakti-svarupa Damodara Swami, Manipuri Vaisnava Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jai!

How are you?

We have just returned from three months in South America. Many places there are just like Manipur and the preaching in Manipur would help then a lot.

Ajita was so kind to go there and they still talk about the visit so much.

We are in USA for two weeks then Europe then India and Manipura.

We have out tickets to visit for the same dates, 8th-15th of November.

We can send more details in the next few days, but our idea is to get as much mercy and education from your good selves as we can and to offer our Symposium on Light of the Bhagavata, Cultivation of the Human Spirit.


[ ] Is the book translated into Manipuri language?


We have the files for the art, 20-40MB so we can do a nice art exhibition, seminars on specific topics and very nice movies!


I am telling devotees who want to visit to contact these addresses directly to make arrangements. We will help as much as we can also to arrange things but we are 63-years old so cannot do as much as before.


We want to help with the Sankirtana of Sri Sri Radha Govinda-candra and spread it all over the world.


Please let us know if these are good plans.

Your servants,

Hanumatpresaka Swami

Anjana Suta Academy

Like 10 days ago prabhu syamakunda from peru, was visitin me at my home , and he was with a radha govinda deities with him, that he could not take care of them, he gave them to me , to take care of them , they re not officialy instalated deities,but i feel they re realy present, i put them in the altar with gopala, jaganatha ,baladev nd subhadra nd the p tattva.... do you think i could/should  worship radha krishna deities?..      

ASA - M/P - We asked HpS and he said that if you are following Srila Prabhupada then it's O.K. because Jayananda made the point that Srila Prabhupada says in his BG that everyone should worship the forms of RK and SR et al, and Tamal Krsna Maharaja said that Jayananda was correct!   

MPD - Also, we re planin with some devotees to celebrate radhastami at my home, nd we were thinkin in doing an abishekam, is that recomendated for radhastami?  it could be done an abishekam to a deitie that is not oficialy instalated? or that is some kind of instalation of the deitie?

hope yr fine gurudev, sorry to much questions, hope to see you in vraja...

ys, madhavendra puri das

M/P - Wow it's 3.49AM  Gotta jump in the Lake!   Seems that you can bath Them in water with nice Kirtan and SB prayers but not milk etc and that would be O.K. for the first time.