Hare Krrishna beloved Gurudeva!! greetings from Buenos Aires temple!Happy (belated) Janmastami !! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

13 years, 4 months ago by radhamm

Hare Krishna beloved Gurudeva,

Happy  (belated) Janmastami !! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

AGSP!! Please accept my humble obeisances onto your lotus feet!  Hope you´re great,healthy and happy! Gurumaharaja, we´re in so auspicious celebrations such as Janmastami which her e in Buenos Aires temple was just amazing,. During these auspicious celebrations(and always) all my thoughts and service I offer to You Gurudevt,these Greetings  should arrived to You  few days ago before but all of us were so busy in service and organization for the Janmastami Mahotsava festival... so extactic ...For myself more´n´ more service for  Sri Sri Gaura Nitay...My ashrama leader Madre Vrndavana Bhiharini had to pull me out from service...because I got 3 days in roll sleeping 2 hours...non stop..she´s  so lovely! actually I dind´t want to sleep and loose all the nectar of being asociated with such great vaisnavas...I think that  is losing time going to sleep, or ciesta... anyway she got a good point and argument!

Last night took place a beautiful and so meangful  Janmastami Festival here in Buenos Aires temple...a huge festival we´ve been hard working for it..And .for the first time in ISCKON  Argentina after more  then 35 years the ladies(brahmanes) were in charge of the abhishek...which was simply incredible, I was so happy, could´t believe that I was there...we´ve had a huuuuuuuge crowd of devotees...Then our special guest Aravinda das prabhu(mexico) gave a nice class and at midnight  an extactic kirtan!  My service here at pujari is getting more and more amazing....For Janmastami and previous days lots of things  to be prepared..such as abhishek and temple and altar decoration! Janmastami here in Buenos Aires were absolutely gorgeous! 

Dear and beloved Gurudeva,on this aupicious day of Srila Prabhupada´s Vyasa puja...i offer all my heart ,body, and service onto your lotus feet..without You I couldn´t be on such extactic service here...Prabhupada has given me bhakti bijam, but with your mercy it is posible to adavance in bhakti, You´re a perfect example of disciple so dedicated, surrendered, simple, humble... a bonafide spiritual master who helps Your diciples   and everyone to go forward to go Back to Godhead!Today  before Govinda aratik I´ve got the mercy to bathe Prabhupada´s murti... We´ll have a light celebration today here only for us(residents) then next Aug. 28th a huge Fesitval There´s nothing more sublime then spiritual life, saddhana, arcana vigraha. Mangala arakti, sadhu sanga...Thank You soooooooooooo much,bleoved  Gurudeva!! harinama Sankirtana Yagña ki jay!

Srila Prabhupada ki jay!! HPS ki jay! Hare Krishna, beloved Gurudeva!

Your humble and eternal servant, Radha Madana Manohara dd


ASA - Jaya!   AGTSP!  Thank you so much for your letter.  Festivl in Peru was also ectatic.   We did more service better than we have ever done before.   I think all of ISKCON is advanzing and now we will begin to see the results.  Many problems come that have to be resolved, with every step of advancement.
Please just continue on the path you are on now and all the ignorance in our situation, and that we need will come simply and naturally!   Thank you for your report!