
13 years, 6 months ago by hps

Once upon a time Monkey and Piggy were riding their motor-cycles around in Hell. It was an exciting experience, very gratifying. They saw Kreme-bhoja where everyone took birth as carnivorous worms in an ocean of carnivorous worms and had die and be born again and again, and eat and be eaten, in sucking, bleeding feeding until they had crossed all the way across the ocean.

"That's so you can enjoy a good night out in Las Vegas", said Monkey.

"How is that", squeaked Piggy?

"Because this world is a world of dualities," explained Monkey. "When we turn away from Krsna, we turn away from everything. The cosmos is for Krsna's ever-fresh pleasure: His girl friends, His Mommy and Daddy, His Vraja! So when we turn away from Him, we turn away from everything. I think we enter into the body of Maha-visnu and remain in a comatose state."

"Something like paranoid schizophrenia," Piggy.

"Yeah, like that", Monkey, "then Krsna creates this children's tea party, where we can try to be the Supreme Enjoyer, but there is nothing here, so any pleasure means a contrasting amount of suffering."

"Morgenstern and Van Neuman's, Zero Sum Game", Piggy.

"Yeah, like that", Monkey.

However, Krsna does come into this world and shows His pastimes and then we can participate in another game. A game with tangible results. Where is Srimati Radha? We have to find Her so Krsna can rescue Her!