Ambarisa M Das

13 years, 6 months ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das

PAMHO AGTSP All glories to you Guru deva  i hope you be fine!

  i have one question i dont remember the meaning of the 6 son of Devaki before Balarama. i know that balarama appears before Krsna to purified the womb.  the first 6 son represent, wich ones? the mercy of Guru make it possible the presence and appearance of Krsna.

HpS -  AGTSP!!  Pamho.  I also don't know.  First time I hear this.  Is very interesting! Especially before Janmastami.  Hope Janmastami takes place in our heart!

i m here in Barcelona, I continue doing service in the temple, sankirtana, book distribution, SB classes and following all the


HpS - Super Dog!day after day i apreciate more the mangala arati. the chanting of japa is fine and aspiring to chant without offense and increase the service in that plataformbeginning to understand and see  the strengths and good qualification of the persons more than the "defect" or bad things. And in meditation of the mood of GAura Sundar who act in the mood of Sri Radha Giving to all the Jivas the chance to participate in the movement of Srila Prabhupada.

we buy the ticket to manipur, and we are investing in equipment to film better in manipur and the dhams.  we need the help of krsna to invest in same things for the camera. by your blessings and the desire of Krsna  will be posible

HpS - I am feeling pressure to finalize visit to Manipur. I will send letter so everyone can send their information for entering Manipura, and start to organize some Sankirtana with them!this is a link for a event that we record. about the interreligious dialogue of the UNESCO. this is a corol in barcelona. singin Hare Krsna

another question who is the main sakhi who is in charge of make and decorate the swing of Radha Madhava?

HpS - I don't know!    Wonderful question. I am still trying to learn how to cook pakoras for Them!thank you very much for your mercy.

aspiring to be a disciple of you your servant Ambarisa M Das.

HpS - The same from us and more of it!   It is 9.00PM  Time to rest our brain.  Read the KRSNA book that falls like gentle rain!!!!  LOB one night a week: "Come everyone and hear the sweetest truth!".